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Energy Law
Novagraaf Group
L'histoire humaine est jalonnée d'une quête incessante d'amélioration, marquée par des avancées et des débats. De la révolution industrielle à la course à la fusion nucléaire...
Soulier Avocats
La France présente de nombreux atouts pour les entreprises grâce notamment à sa place centrale en Europe qui est le 2e marché le plus vaste du monde.
Soulier Avocats
France offers many advantages for businesses, in particular thanks to its central location in Europe, the 2nd largest market in the world.
The energy sector is one of the biggest sources of construction disputes thanks to the size and complexity of the projects involved.
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Saisi par la ville de Grande-Synthe et des associations, le Conseil d'État avait enjoint le 1er juillet 2021 au Gouvernement de prendre, d'ici le 31 mars 2022, toutes les mesures permettant...
Soulier Avocats
On July 1, 2021, in a case brought by the municipality of Grande-Synthe and several environmental organizations, the Conseil d'État (French Administrative Supreme Court) had ordered the French...
Haas Avocats
En 2022, les ventes en ligne ont progressé de 13,8%[1]. A ce titre, environ 1 milliard de colis transitent en France chaque année. Les émissions de gaz à effet de serre correspondant à ce niveau...
La France viendra-t-elle à bout des hausses de prix dans la grande distribution ?
McDermott Will & Emery
On February 8, 2023, the French Senate voted for the adoption of the Renewable Energy Acceleration Bill (Projet de loi relatif à l'accélération de la production d'énergies renouvelables...
European Union
Norton Rose Fulbright
The European Commission (EC) has just published a European Wind Power package including a Wind Power Action Plan, which aims at helping the European...
Soulier Avocats
Le 1er février dernier, la Commission européenne a présenté son Plan Industriel du Pacte Vert visant à renforcer la compétitivité de l'industrie européenne à zéro émission...
Soulier Avocats
On February 1, 2023, the European Commission presented its Green Deal Industrial Plan to enhance the competitiveness of Europe's net-zero industry and support...
In the race to combat climate change, carbon capture has emerged as a promising technology for reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere, a major contributor to global warming.
In response to global warming and related environmental challenges, there has been considerable interest in the use of biofuels and the optimization of biofuel production processes and methods...
Renewable ocean energy is quickly developing as a potential replacement for harmful fossil fuels, with the European Commission predicting that marine renewable energy may become
TMF Group BV
El Índice Global de Complejidad Corporativa 2023 de TMF Group tiene en cuenta 292 indicadores diferentes relacionados con la complejidad corporativa y brinda un análisis de los desafíos globales y locales que afectan la facilidad para hacer negocios en el mundo.
TMF Group BV
O Índice Global de Complexidade Corporativa 2023 da TMF Group explora 292 diferentes indicadores relacionados à complexidade corporativa para fornecer uma análise aprofundada dos desafios globais e locais que afetam a facilidade de se fazer negócios em todo o mundo
TMF Group BV
TMF Group的《2023年全球商业复杂性指数》(GBCI 2023)基于与商业复杂性相关的292个不同指标,深入分析了全球与各地所面临的挑战,及其对全球营商便利性
TMF Group BV
Here, we take a closer look at the jurisdictions that top this year's index, exploring the factors that contribute to their position at the top of the ranking.
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton
In this episode of French Insider, Reid Whitten, Managing Partner of Sheppard Mullin's London office, joins host Sarah Ben-Moussa to discuss the U.S.-China trade war...
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